Saturday, February 28, 2015

Gone Midnightsss

Reflections in a Petri Dish

'As the landfill burbles with the toxic wastes of a disintegrating culture, I will be the voiceover.......'

As the landfill burbles with the toxic wastes of a disintegrating culture, I will be the voiceover....... Les Visible

Dog Poet Transducing........

"Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in."

The world is in the spin cycle of a backwards washing machine. It's not as much backwards as it is haphazard. From spin it next goes to wash and then it goes to rinse. You can apply a metaphysical perspective to this, should you be so inclined and actually in possession of one. Most people are not. In order to both pursue what you are after and- at the same time- justify it against all the admonitions of conscience, you have to suspend or discard reason altogether. You have to take logic and turn it into a tortured origami. You have to intentionally embrace denial, in place of being open to the truth because otherwise, your humanity will shotgun your bullshit into an inactive state and then you lose all your hooks, hinges and hangers.

Here's an example of those who took this kind of behavior turbo at your expense. It's always at your expense. It's not at their expense and it is not at the expense of those who facilitate it at your expense. These are not the only lampreys swimming in a river so toxic it may burst into flames at any moment. Toxicity seems to be the nature of their game. Besides the gene perverting GMO heavyweights, who are so powerful the can compel judges to suspend the results of the democratic process (not that there is one), you have the pharmaceutical industries who are not unlike a weasel in a chicken coop. They can do these things because the whole system of checks and balances has been distorted into system that writes checks to those who throw it out of balance. The administrative, legislative and judicial sectors are taking their marching orders from Bankers and the corporate industries are in thrall to the bankers. This is how you get an entire industry promoting cancer so that they can sell you toxic cures that exacerbate your condition and further amplify it by an ever increasingly toxic environment, made that way by the same vested interests. It's win win for them and lose lose for you.

Meanwhile, this unseen, yet approaching golden age, is transforming the technologies of our time, while seeking to put it out of the reach of everyone but themselves and those fortunate enough to be able to afford it. Of course, there is the option of life long indenture to debt, should you be capable of engineering it. Incredible inventions and discoveries are the order of the day in entrepreneurial garages and cottage industry endeavours and this is all about to explode out of the reach of those seeking to contain it all under their control.

The archetypes are changing. Automatically all of the long entrenched infrastructure is being irrevocably changed, due to a modulation in the pitch of those vibrations that hold things in the form that they were existing in. Everything is vibration and everything is the same thing at different vibrations. Mr Apocalypse stands in front of the orchestra that generates the sounds of the symphony of the times, which sets the appearance of things. So you get items like this coming out. The ones controlling the flow and content of information do not want these things exposed but they have no choice. They themselves will expose the very conditions they are hellbent on suppressing. We are all like bobbing corks on a tempestuous sea. We have no power over the force that has whipped the the sea into such tumult and very few of the corks have an operational rudder. I might say they all have a rudder but, for the most part, it is fixed; frozen into place by intransigent habit and chronic repetitions of redundant thought.

Certain manufactured beliefs that the general public has been indoctrinated into are being challenged in many locales. Though it may be still effectively suppressed in a wider global sense, it is gaining considerable force in any number of countries. This may not seem like a big deal at the moment but there is a telling factor in play and that is that the force of Mr. Apocalypse is intensifying by the day. There's nothing anyone can do about it and the environment of the apocalypse is in a state of constant transformation, as it takes its cues from the prime mover for change, according to whatever is being set into motion by the planets rubbing up against each other, metaphorically speaking.

How is it all going to turn out? It is going to resolve itself selectively in billions of individual ways. In some cases, this includes somewhat larger collectives of entities, whose similarity in behavior and belief set, getting sorted together. You might think of it in terms of ships upon that aforementioned sea. There are huge ocean liners and tankers. There are more modest constructions and there are dingys and Hobie Cats. There are even people holding on to plastic coolers and pretty much anything that can float and continue to float with them holding on to it.

Think of it this way. We're all walking or riding somewhere. Some of us have our mind on the objective and at the same time are paying attention to what's going on around us. This comes in handy if you are, say, crossing the street. There's a good likelihood, barring the unseen, that such individuals will get where they are going. Some are walking or riding, driving even, who are thumbhumping their cellphones or tablets. They might intermittently have it in mind where they are going but they are much less likely to be paying attention to what is going on around them. This can prove unfortunate when, say, you are crossing the street. Some are walking or riding or driving in an aimless fashion because their direction is being determined by a shifting pattern of appetites and desires. Whimsy and the unpredictable ping of attractions create a dangerous and random nature. Some are kept in harness through fear, programmed disciplines, genetic imperatives, powerful cultural and familial influences and of course, desires and appetites.

Though everyone should, as often as possible, gut check themselves as to where they think they are headed and what they find important to themselves, most people don't because this means you might find out things that you would rather not know because these discoveries can compromise or challenge objectives in which a great deal of investment has been made. It is not likely that Jennifer Lawrence woke up this morning and asked herself,”What am I doing in this endless looping of inane Hunger Games sequels?” No... she is where hundreds of millions wish they were and she is not going to entertain the idea of how mindless and meaningless her work has been. She's finding that it's not all Silver Lining Playbook but also an ongoing routine of mediocrity based on what passes for artistry in this age. She's also finding that when ones fortunes propel a person into elite status that this is attended by a fury of flies, mosquitoes and other pests that swarm around your head and give you no peace, every time you go out your door. You find that you can't always be nice and photogenically humane so you begin to lose it on a regular basis. You get testy, impatient and demanding. After all, you seem to be way more important than you actually are. There are people who remind you of this all the time. You're okay with just about anything going on as long as it doesn't upset your temporary little drama with the short shelf life.

All over the world there are really important people, people who seem, at least to themselves and others, far more important that they really are. There are hundreds of thousands of these people, millions of them. They have an exclusivity in different arenas. Most of them are small and most of us have never heard of most of them because their influence doesn't extend beyond the dimensions of the pond they swim in. However, in their minds, due to their placement in their ponds, they have the idea that they are something special but... there are millions of them! They are artists and musicians, actors and dancers, business people, politicians, charismatic clergy, revolutionaries at the moment, prior to their transition to the status quo, or dead, as the case may be. What they are in their minds is not what they are in real time but... that's just how it is. Any of these can be a big distraction when you are walking or riding or driving somewhere and they can exert a large impact on whatever direction you think you are going in.

Change is coming. Major changes are coming. It could be tomorrow. It could be next month and it could be next year but come it will. What happens to you will be directly relevant to where you find yourself and what you are engaged in, as it comes up against the cosmic imperative for change and all the transitional stages that will follow one another. If steam vents up our of the Earth that is only meaningful in terms of your proximity to it. The same applies to theaters of war, the insanity of mobs, economic catastrophe and natural disasters, among so many other possibilities. It's where you are in relation to it and then it is what you are in relation to it.

In the end it is the choices you make based on the values you hold. At many another time on this planet, it could well be considerably different than it is going to be, especially where business as usual is permitted to be business as usual. We are no longer in the zone of business as usual. Conduct yourself accordingly.

End Transmission.......

A radio broadcast should arrive sometime Sunday night. It is likely to be of less than stellar sound quality since I have been unable to get my technology in order.

Visible sings:

Color Ball by Les Visible♫ It's Changing ♫

'It's Changing' is track no. 5 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Color Ball'

Lyrics (pops up)

Color Ball by Les Visible

Gone Midnight in the Place where the Sun don't Shinesss

Reflections in a Petri Dish

'As the landfill burbles with the toxic wastes of a disintegrating culture, I will be the voiceover.......'

As the landfill burbles with the toxic wastes of a disintegrating culture, I will be the voiceover....... Les Visible

Dog Poet Transducing........

"Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in."

The world is in the spin cycle of a backwards washing machine. It's not as much backwards as it is haphazard. From spin it next goes to wash and then it goes to rinse. You can apply a metaphysical perspective to this, should you be so inclined and actually in possession of one. Most people are not. In order to both pursue what you are after and- at the same time- justify it against all the admonitions of conscience, you have to suspend or discard reason altogether. You have to take logic and turn it into a tortured origami. You have to intentionally embrace denial, in place of being open to the truth because otherwise, your humanity will shotgun your bullshit into an inactive state and then you lose all your hooks, hinges and hangers.

Here's an example of those who took this kind of behavior turbo at your expense. It's always at your expense. It's not at their expense and it is not at the expense of those who facilitate it at your expense. These are not the only lampreys swimming in a river so toxic it may burst into flames at any moment. Toxicity seems to be the nature of their game. Besides the gene perverting GMO heavyweights, who are so powerful the can compel judges to suspend the results of the democratic process (not that there is one), you have the pharmaceutical industries who are not unlike a weasel in a chicken coop. They can do these things because the whole system of checks and balances has been distorted into system that writes checks to those who throw it out of balance. The administrative, legislative and judicial sectors are taking their marching orders from Bankers and the corporate industries are in thrall to the bankers. This is how you get an entire industry promoting cancer so that they can sell you toxic cures that exacerbate your condition and further amplify it by an ever increasingly toxic environment, made that way by the same vested interests. It's win win for them and lose lose for you.

Meanwhile, this unseen, yet approaching golden age, is transforming the technologies of our time, while seeking to put it out of the reach of everyone but themselves and those fortunate enough to be able to afford it. Of course, there is the option of life long indenture to debt, should you be capable of engineering it. Incredible inventions and discoveries are the order of the day in entrepreneurial garages and cottage industry endeavours and this is all about to explode out of the reach of those seeking to contain it all under their control.

The archetypes are changing. Automatically all of the long entrenched infrastructure is being irrevocably changed, due to a modulation in the pitch of those vibrations that hold things in the form that they were existing in. Everything is vibration and everything is the same thing at different vibrations. Mr Apocalypse stands in front of the orchestra that generates the sounds of the symphony of the times, which sets the appearance of things. So you get items like this coming out. The ones controlling the flow and content of information do not want these things exposed but they have no choice. They themselves will expose the very conditions they are hellbent on suppressing. We are all like bobbing corks on a tempestuous sea. We have no power over the force that has whipped the the sea into such tumult and very few of the corks have an operational rudder. I might say they all have a rudder but, for the most part, it is fixed; frozen into place by intransigent habit and chronic repetitions of redundant thought.

Certain manufactured beliefs that the general public has been indoctrinated into are being challenged in many locales. Though it may be still effectively suppressed in a wider global sense, it is gaining considerable force in any number of countries. This may not seem like a big deal at the moment but there is a telling factor in play and that is that the force of Mr. Apocalypse is intensifying by the day. There's nothing anyone can do about it and the environment of the apocalypse is in a state of constant transformation, as it takes its cues from the prime mover for change, according to whatever is being set into motion by the planets rubbing up against each other, metaphorically speaking.

How is it all going to turn out? It is going to resolve itself selectively in billions of individual ways. In some cases, this includes somewhat larger collectives of entities, whose similarity in behavior and belief set, getting sorted together. You might think of it in terms of ships upon that aforementioned sea. There are huge ocean liners and tankers. There are more modest constructions and there are dingys and Hobie Cats. There are even people holding on to plastic coolers and pretty much anything that can float and continue to float with them holding on to it.

Think of it this way. We're all walking or riding somewhere. Some of us have our mind on the objective and at the same time are paying attention to what's going on around us. This comes in handy if you are, say, crossing the street. There's a good likelihood, barring the unseen, that such individuals will get where they are going. Some are walking or riding, driving even, who are thumbhumping their cellphones or tablets. They might intermittently have it in mind where they are going but they are much less likely to be paying attention to what is going on around them. This can prove unfortunate when, say, you are crossing the street. Some are walking or riding or driving in an aimless fashion because their direction is being determined by a shifting pattern of appetites and desires. Whimsy and the unpredictable ping of attractions create a dangerous and random nature. Some are kept in harness through fear, programmed disciplines, genetic imperatives, powerful cultural and familial influences and of course, desires and appetites.

Though everyone should, as often as possible, gut check themselves as to where they think they are headed and what they find important to themselves, most people don't because this means you might find out things that you would rather not know because these discoveries can compromise or challenge objectives in which a great deal of investment has been made. It is not likely that Jennifer Lawrence woke up this morning and asked herself,”What am I doing in this endless looping of inane Hunger Games sequels?” No... she is where hundreds of millions wish they were and she is not going to entertain the idea of how mindless and meaningless her work has been. She's finding that it's not all Silver Lining Playbook but also an ongoing routine of mediocrity based on what passes for artistry in this age. She's also finding that when ones fortunes propel a person into elite status that this is attended by a fury of flies, mosquitoes and other pests that swarm around your head and give you no peace, every time you go out your door. You find that you can't always be nice and photogenically humane so you begin to lose it on a regular basis. You get testy, impatient and demanding. After all, you seem to be way more important than you actually are. There are people who remind you of this all the time. You're okay with just about anything going on as long as it doesn't upset your temporary little drama with the short shelf life.

All over the world there are really important people, people who seem, at least to themselves and others, far more important that they really are. There are hundreds of thousands of these people, millions of them. They have an exclusivity in different arenas. Most of them are small and most of us have never heard of most of them because their influence doesn't extend beyond the dimensions of the pond they swim in. However, in their minds, due to their placement in their ponds, they have the idea that they are something special but... there are millions of them! They are artists and musicians, actors and dancers, business people, politicians, charismatic clergy, revolutionaries at the moment, prior to their transition to the status quo, or dead, as the case may be. What they are in their minds is not what they are in real time but... that's just how it is. Any of these can be a big distraction when you are walking or riding or driving somewhere and they can exert a large impact on whatever direction you think you are going in.

Change is coming. Major changes are coming. It could be tomorrow. It could be next month and it could be next year but come it will. What happens to you will be directly relevant to where you find yourself and what you are engaged in, as it comes up against the cosmic imperative for change and all the transitional stages that will follow one another. If steam vents up our of the Earth that is only meaningful in terms of your proximity to it. The same applies to theaters of war, the insanity of mobs, economic catastrophe and natural disasters, among so many other possibilities. It's where you are in relation to it and then it is what you are in relation to it.

In the end it is the choices you make based on the values you hold. At many another time on this planet, it could well be considerably different than it is going to be, especially where business as usual is permitted to be business as usual. We are no longer in the zone of business as usual. Conduct yourself accordingly.

End Transmission.......

A radio broadcast should arrive sometime Sunday night. It is likely to be of less than stellar sound quality since I have been unable to get my technology in order.

Visible sings:
Color Ball by Les Visible♫ It's Changing ♫
'It's Changing' is track no. 5 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Color Ball'
Lyrics (pops up)

Color Ball by Les Visible

A Novel by Visible,
The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine

- 'A Tale of the Unnatural and Supernatural...'

'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine' by Les Visible' now available to buy at Amazon.

Paperback: $27.00
'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine' by Les Visible
Kindle Edition: $9.99
'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine' by Les Visible

More of Visible's books and songs are available through his Store.


Reflections in a Petri Dish

'As the landfill burbles with the toxic wastes of a disintegrating culture, I will be the voiceover.......'

As the landfill burbles with the toxic wastes of a disintegrating culture, I will be the voiceover....... Les Visible

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

It's no accident that Dog is God Spelled backwards.

Is the world as wicked as it seems to me to be? Some of us long for sanctuary and surely succor too. It's one thing to be 'involved' with the world. Then you're not troubled by this weltschmerz and the strange and occasional angst that comes to one who is no longer capable of being involved with the world. Woke up at 1:30 AM. It keeps getting earlier. One of these days it will be yesterday, just like that, or that tomorrow that never comes but somehow, it finally does and you're finally ahead of the game or out of the game.

Does the world actually chew people up and spit them out? It seems like it does. It's a big world; something like seven billion people. I find it hard to get my head around that number. I look at it but it just bounces from zero to zero, like one of those balls that set the timing for lyrics on a kid's TV show. There's this place called Indonesia. A whole lot of people live there. I don't know any of them. I don't know what goes on there. I heard about a place called Timor where some bad things happened. It's like a dream, or a nightmare if you happened to be there. I suppose this is more of the world doing its laundry, here in The Kali Yuga. It's been laundry day, every day, for a long time; wash, rinse, spin, repeat cycle, repeat cycle. Seven billion people would not be here for no reason. This is simple logic but the vast majority of the residents of this world are unable to put this together in their heads because they have a fever. There is a fever pandemic that holds the world in thralldom. It's Materialism fever.

Materialism fever is a complex thing. It's not just a fascination with the external world, to the exclusion of virtues and pursuits that apply to states of being that are possible when the fever has gone into remission. What it does is to color ones thoughts and emotions and this affects the manner in which one sees and hears. It affects the value given to every experience. It affects the types of experiences that are sought out. This contagion is massively amplified by its presence in the group mind. It creates a hive mind which can be very difficult to break away from the influence of.

There are traditional venues that are routinely expressed as a result of Materialism fever and there are traditional mindsets that attend these venues. Materialism fever is an aggressive pathology. It turns all of the venues into wars. War is the primary vehicle that drives the economy. War is the basic drive of commerce, as it expresses itself in the various theaters where the manufacture, transport and sale of goods takes place. Today the interplay between men and women is a war and there is all too often no harmony or Love manifesting between these opposites.

There are people seeking to control these seven billion. They seek to control how they live and what they do. They seek to control how they think and what they think about. They seek to control how they feel and to set the tone for the particular focus of the feelings and the types of responses generated.

There are different ways that one can control the masses and usually this is accomplished by a combination of them. Some of the general control mechanisms are educational and social programming, fear; which expresses itself through a manipulation of the availability and cost of shelter and food, the presence or lack of employment opportunities, the threat of censure and possibly imprisonment, loss of rights and other forms of menace. In some cases, there is much worse and places like Timor are now multiplied across the face of the Earth and this is all made possible by the relentless drive soulless commerce in the service of war. There are all kinds of wars. There are information wars and wars of commerce. There are all sorts of reasons for war. War is a madness that is generated by Materialism fever.

Today, visible is watching Foxcatcher. I had previously thought another actor deserved the award, based on comparison against mediocre competition. Watching Steve Carell play John Dupont is like watching Brando. It's hard to recognize him from his previous roles when matched against this. It's an ironic thing to watch this in the context of today's posting. This is a very subtle film; not the sort of film they make these days. It's slow but riveting, if that makes sense.

One of the primary ways that people are controlled and which doesn't get the notice and mention that it deserves is SEX. When you can manipulate the intensity and direction of the public's sexual expression, you literally have them by the balls. When you can mutate this basic drive, you can confuse people. Sexual identity is an integral part of one's being.

In times of Materialism fever, Nature gets bent and distorted in ways that serve the interest of those set upon controlling the masses. Shame and guilt are used to drive people in particular directions. It keeps them chained to the wheel.

The most insidious feature of Materialism fever is that everything abnormal begins to look normal. A portion of the world is permitted to get away with anything they please to do. The rest of the world is not. A gulf develops between the few and the many and the gulf widens and widens and the excesses of the few become more and more outrageous. Millions die in wars fought for nothing more than banker profit and banker advantage. If you are on the banker team, you can profit but... at the expense of being owned. For many, that is no problem. For them, the juice is worth the squeeze. They don't even realize that they are what the juice is being made from. The people pay tribute in the currency of human blood.

It is hard to see justice in this world of the moment and that is because there is very little evidence of it to be found along the lines of what we usually look for to prove something out. I can come up with only one reason for this and that is that what is taking place was set in motion at a former time that we have very little evidence of. We don't know what to relate any of this to. Because of this, there are many people who believe its all Darwinism, or it's all random, or it's caused by some kind of aliens who came out of a volcano millions of years ago, which is something you get from Scientology. Scientology is one of a number of elitist schemes that are endemic of Materialism fever and it is very similar to Satanism, as are all of the cult antics of the time. Meanwhile, the traditional religious faiths are being possessed by one form or another of Materialism fever, which manifests as Fundamentalism, radical suppression of individual rights, weird interpretations of dogma and various frenzied expressions of teachings and doctrines directed toward mind control.

Those seeking to control the masses realize that they have to control both church and state, while giving appearance otherwise. They set up oppositions to themselves and then control that too.

Let me move to a conclusion here and also point out that there is only so much that can be said in a brief posting. Then again, if you can't say it with brevity, it's unlikely it can be communicated in an extended complexity. The truth can be elusive. So let us say that this idea of control by the few is an illusion and it is time sensitive. It can exist only so long as the illusion of it exists. That can continue for a longer period of time than we might wish and try us to the limits of our endurance; those of us who know it is an illusion and want no part of it. For everyone else, it is a blur of varying density.

It is not the few who control the dream or movie. They are as much under control as those they appear to have control over. It's all an acting out of the payback for events that preceded the events that led to it. It keeps happening for so long as we live in a world of blind men gumming each other to death. If the world is merely a projection of the mind then we all bear the responsibility for the world we live in. You see what you see around you. There it is. For most people, they see what they want to see, whether it is there or not. Their self constructed reality is so powerful they do not permit themselves to accept the possibility that it is delusion. It traps them as a willing prisoner of unfortunate design that comes about through some sort of accommodation to the greater world that seems to be under the control of the few. One can only see to themselves on this matter and hope that the example of liberation set by anyone who has managed to accomplish it will somehow work on the minds of those still in subjugation.

Materialism fever, catch it!!!

End Transmission.......

Radio broadcast at this location.

Visible sings:
Materialism by Les Visible♫ Materialism ♫
'Materialism' will feature on a forthcoming Visible album, sometime in 2015
Lyrics (pops up)

A new Visible album

Thursday, February 26, 2015


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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Radio Show, 15 February 2015sss

Les Visible Radio Show


(right click / ctrl-click the "Listen" link for download options)

Just some random text:

Greater Manchester is to become the first English region to get full control of its health spending, as part of an extension of devolved powers.

Chancellor George Osborne said the £6bn health and social care budget would be taken over by the region's councils and health groups.

Mr Osborne said it was a "really exciting development".

A Labour spokesman said NHS workers would "want to be persuaded of the case for a new layer of management".

The plan will come into force from April 2016.

Mr Osborne added: "This is what the NHS wants to see as part of its own future.

"And it's also about giving people in Manchester greater control over their own affairs in that city, which is central to our vision of the 'northern powerhouse'- so it's a very exciting development."

The plan would see local leaders, and ultimately Greater Manchester's new directly elected mayor, control how budgets are allocated.

The government hopes by integrating health and social care services, the change will ease pressure on hospitals and help to improve home care services for patients who need it.

A shadow Greater Manchester Health and Wellbeing board will be appointed, which will work closely with existing clinical commissioning groups of GPs.

The board is expected to run from April, before control of the budget is handed over a year later.

Manchester City Council confirmed 10 local authorities, 12 clinical commissioning groups, 14 NHS partners, NHS England and the government are in discussions on a "groundbreaking agreement for health and social care".

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Age of the Rage of the Iridescent Peacock Ego.sss

Visible Origami

'This blog is composed of perspectives on the visible apparati and the invisible forces that conspire to create the circumstances in which you live.......'

This blog is composed of perspectives on the visible apparati and the invisible forces that conspire to create the circumstances in which you live....... Les Visible

Dog Poet Transudating.......

"No one appreciates the very special genius of your conversation as the dog does."

Seems like it is the age of the rage of the individual ego. There are a couple of motivators for this and we've already had 'the me generation', which was followed by the 'even more me generation' and most recently we had the, 'it came from beneath the valley of the me generation'. So maybe this is actually the, 'return to the valley of the me generation'. That's neither here nor there, well... actually it's there and we're here and my reasoning, such as it is and imperfect as it is, is that, of course, Materialism is the first cause, because Materialism is that hot environment that inflames the ego, bringing it to the 'tinder dry' state. You throw in the press of near 7 billion souls all agitating for survival and a sense of self in the dense and cluttered press of all those bodies and plastic identities in search of a net worth persona and then... you factor in that this is the digital information age... toss in all that social networking and endless evolution of devices to that end and you got hundreds of millions of horny thumbs going at it like randy goats in search of high performance numbers and recognition points and you got what we now got in surround sound and panorama view. Ahrooooooooooo!

The most unfortunate aspect of this situation is the nature of the self that the theater of Materialism demands from the players. Even if you were initially of a spiritual inclination, the requirements for presentation have a tendency to distort and pervert original intent; should the original intent have been authentic which, most of the time, it ain't... your chances, short of sincere Bhakti and perpetual surrender to the point where it is acknowledged... are not good. You got to put on some kind of outfit, whether it be ocher, other colored robes, or a white suit like you were the Tom Wolfe of the evangelical lecture circuit... with dreams of a Las Vegas invite to the international convention of snake oil professionals. You can enthral the crowd with your version of A Curse of Miracles and maybe not even have to be sexually aberrant or commit suicide as a denouement. Then again, you may have already dropped by one of those CIA Starbuck type franchises, where they hand out plagiarized systems of condensed and simplified philosophies that are tailor made for that growth industry that caters to whatever permutation of 'ME' phase we are passing through at the moment. If that's the case then maybe you are now all dressed up with somewhere to go.

Yeah... that's the hard part about it all. You want to get your message out there and the only way the people, who control the flow of the crowds coming and going, are going to facilitate your dreams is if you agree to be a dancing chicken. If you've ever been to a carnival where they have a dancing chicken then you know the way they get that chicken to dance is to turn up the heat on the griddle that they put the chicken on. I'm guessing that the chicken stays on the griddle before hand, due to some amount of feed being scattered on it. In your case, the feed is customized to your tastes. I'm guessing they don't use popping corn... then again.

However, it has always been the style of those not captivated by style, but aware of the nature of true style, to stay under the 'commercial radar' and do the job they got given to them, without thought of publicity or reward since these jobs come with their own reward and generally include some of those, 'past all imagining' perks. Of course, you might not see much of that until you get off the proving ground, which is a little longer than those with thoughts only of publicity and reward want to wait and... that might be why it is set up that way.

Some things are hard to find on purpose. Some things are very easy to find on purpose. Yeah, the whole shooting match is rigged and it's rigged top to bottom and it's rigged similar but... in very different ways at the bottom from the top and those who venture in either fashion discover this because at a certain point you discover what you lost or you discover what you had the good sense to avoid. You don't discover either until the point of commitment which, in both cases, you might not be aware of just when that happened. As it goes... a great deal happens to us on the way, the significance of which we often don't get and that is because we adjudge bad events as bad events and do not understand that they might have been good events and even moments of salvation from much worse events further up or down the road.

Though most of us are aware that we live in a relative universe where, based solely on our particular tastes, gets segmented into good and bad items, conditions, states and circumstances that would be seen differently by different eyes, hooked up to a processing system that is programmed to like this but not that and which is why we all live in a world of our own creation... literally. Most of us here probably know that too, however, we know it intellectually and not viscerally. This is one of the most powerful fruits of psychedelic voyaging that one, on occasion, can experience in an automatic visceral manner. I'm not suggesting or recommending that anyone take that course, as I have, because not everyone has the dispensation or the gene for that. Some do though. Some do.

I've crossed some amusing scams here, via tales told by those suckered into them or who knew about them. One of them is a ten day colonic cleanse for 3000 dollars. Yeah! That's what I'm talking about. Two friends were on the beach out Kalapana Way a couple of weeks ago, when a lady approached them and introduced herself. She had one of those names but I can't remember it right now. She was long and sinuous and had on one of those cotton wraps around her waist and some very strange eyes. As I remember, they said they were violet or somesuch and which I figure were contact lenses and she undulated over to them and sat down and told them about this Tantric seminar happening over at Kalani (or something like that) which is this big spread owned by some gay guys (simply given the information as given to me) and which features things like 'ecstatic dance' (no talking on the dance floor) and various other similar affairs and- oh right- she wasn't wearing a top. My friends, being guys, were fair impressed with her. I'm less inclined that way because when I see something like that, I smell trouble in a big way. This is probably cause I got a modicum of good sense when it comes to femme fatales, having probably been down that road before, or... managed to see sections of the highway from some other road that had a good perspective down on it.

In this age of the rage of the iridescent peacock ego, you generally have to make some amount of noise to get heard and that's only going to be continuing if you got something more than noise to follow up with. That would mean something that appeals to some appetite or attractive or... the promise of being able to fix something that's gone wrong. You don't have to be able to fix it. You just have to sound like you can and be on the evening bus out once the truth dawns on whoever got that dose of Tinker Belle dust, which does wear off soon enough.

There is a big pull that gets exerted by that ego force and the chance that whatever it is might work, is a compelling thing. It's intoxicating to get to prance around on the big stage and the big stage can be found in most cities in the world. These aren't the biggest stages, which would probably be found on electric media but... the chance to BE SOMEBODY, oh my! These days people are so fascinated by the possibilities of that opportunity that they spend little time at all putting together a convincing and professional act and... from what I can see, that is no longer a requirement. Reality TV has shown us that. These days you can get an official looking piece of paper after only a couple of weekends and a four day retreat and you can go on the road, with all the other thousands and thousands and wave your hands over people's bodies and make unusual sounds followed by 'ka-ching! Ka-ching! And what could be better than that?

Fact is that the ego has a short shelf life but it looks longer on the instant gratification circuit. It's also limited as far as environments go and it is certainly limited in terms of rewards by comparison with what is not only possible but certain for those working in other areas of employment that are not the same areas of employment that one sees advertised as such. Of course, for many, coin of the realm is their only objective and the only reason that anyone demurs, among those few who opt for otherwise, is that there are other realms, oh yes indeedy.

Anything you want to accomplish and anywhere you want to go, can be achieved if one is committed to it to the degree that it occupies their thoughts and energies more than anything else. That is all it takes, no matter what it is. It's simple and if it happens to seem complex, that means that lies are involved at some level of the process.

End Transmission.......

Visible's Radio show just went up.

Visible's Self-Improvement Guide,
Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World

- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'

'Spiritual Survival' by Les Visible now available to buy at Amazon.

Paperback: $25.00
'Spiritual Survival' by Les Visible
Kindle Edition: $9.99
'Spiritual Survival' by Les Visible

More of Visible's books and songs are available through his Store.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Empty Post, Just The Title but...sss

The Formatting is all wrong...

The Formatting "Visible" and "Comments" is all Wrong :-(sss

Les Visible - The Albumsss

Les Visible - The Album

Les Visible by Les Visible

Les Visible:
Released: 1 September 2002; Album Length: 42:33


Songwriter - Les Visible

Songwriter by Les Visible

Released: 26 June 2006; Album Length: 46:17

The Sacred And The Profanesss

The Sacred And The Profane - Les Visible

The Sacred And The Profane by Les Visible

The Sacred and The Profane:
Released: 3 October 2007; Album Length: 50:45

Color Ballsss

Color Ball - Les Visible

Color Ball by Les Visible

Color Ball:
Released: 3 October 2007; Album Length: 51:27

God in Countrysss

God in Country - Les Visible

God in Country by Les Visible

God in Country:
Released: 14 February 2001; Album Length: 47:06

911 Was an Inside Jobsss

911 Was an Inside Job - Les Visible

911 was an Inside Job by Les Visible

9/11 Was an Inside Job:
Released: 11 September 2002; Album Length: 50:36

Almost Acapellasss

Almost Acapella - Les Visible

Almost Acapella by Les Visible

Almost A Capella:
Released: 3 October 2007; Album Length: 47:39

Visible and The Critical List - Not Politically Correctsss

Not Politically Correct - Visible and The Critical List

Not Politically Correct by Visible and The Critical List

Not Politically Correct:
Released: 12 August 1992; Album Length: 54:21

Visible and The Critical List - La Vierge Sperme Danceursss

La Vierge Sperme Danceur - Visible and The Critical List

La Vierge Sperme Danceur by Visible and The Critical List

La Vierge Sperme Danceur:
Released: 1 April 1987; Album Length: 41:02

Visible and The Critical List - Jews From Outer Spacesss

Jews From Outer Space - Visible and The Critical List

Jews From Outer Space by Visible and The Critical List

Visible and The Critical List - The Pope of Rock and Rollsss

The Pope of Rock and Roll - Visible and The Critical List

The Pope of Rock and Roll by Visible and The Critical List

The Pope of Rock and Roll:
Released: 1 April 1987; Album Length: 40:56

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Water Bearer Consciousness and the Cloud of Unknowing.sss

Smoking Mirrors

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

Well... well, the times they are transforming, or something to that effect; slowly, of course, like rock disintegrating under the steady impact of water but still, change is one thing you can bank on, should you be fortunate enough to interpret the direction of change. Here's one interesting example. Although it seems to imply that people are waking up, which, on the surface of it, most observing minds would conclude this to be absurd, still; what else are we to make of it?

Then we have this ongoing trend, which speaks of positive change although we have no idea what it means. It could be a systematic effort on behalf of the darkness eating the darkness. It could be simply an expression of the insanity that comes hand in hand with the profession as it sinks deeper and deeper into the tar pit of Materialism. It could be... and most certainly is, some further permutation of the invisible acting on behalf of the coming age of Water Bearer Consciousness or... or what?

Then we find that despite Poroshenko's immediate actions to the contrary following it, there's a new cease fire supposed to be taking place in The Ukraine. Would this have anything to do with Greece moving into the Russian orbit or... just another gambit, as the result of failed western policies, to injure Russia for not knuckling under to the international force of ZOG? As it so happens, more and more corporations are doing more and more business with Russia than ever before. Something is going on but I wouldn't know what that is. All I know is what I get from the Big Picture cause I'm a Big Picture kind of a guy. Minutiae tends to escape me.

I doubt there are many, make that any, readers who are unaware at this point of what a complete hypocrite and whore Brian Williams is and has been through the long and tedious length of his career as a talking head poseur Brian has been showing up at all kinds of locations; sporting events and other places lately, in the company of celebrities for a little face time. I've no idea what any of that means. I think it means some kind of colorful camouflage.

Yeah... all any of this tells me is that Mr. Apocalypse is on the move. Halliburton is getting pasted for what Halliburton usually does, according to its general business policies. Recently, 'what a dick' Cheney got charged with some number of crimes in Nigeria but... 35 million dollars seems to have taken the fire out of that one. We're hearing about it all though.

Now we are finding out what I and most of the rest of you already knew, which is that this whole public face of the atheist movement is an orchestrated effort by ZOG, for the usual reasons, as this article cogently reveals. The more we find out, the more we learn what we pretty much already knew. We're going to be learning a lot more this year. No one is going to be able to prevent that because Mr. Apocalypse isn't going to permit it.

We have said it many times here. We are in an apocalypse AND that means; revelation, uncovering and resonating and accelerating awareness across the board. Of course, everyone is not going to be experiencing the same levels of understanding and awareness. An apocalypse is not politically correct. It operates on the merit system. You want to know and learn and understand more? Seek and ye shall find.

A lot of people do not want to know. We know this. Those who do not want to know will be forced to know and most of that will be about themselves. Attending this knowing will be a whole new envelope of emotion that will come down like fiery rain upon the consciousness of those resistant to the knowing. That's how it is. It's going to get hotter and more and more pervasive and it is going to hit everyone where they live, according to how where they live matches up with the cosmic imperative for what is coming and which cannot be avoided, collectively or individually.

For some, this is going to be like a cleansing Spring rain and for some it is going to be like volcanic embers. It will be the same thing, regardless of who it lands on but the effect of contact will be strikingly different, according to whatever it is that you have become and whatever it was that had the greatest impact on making you what you are. You are a representative of what it is that you serve. It's had a transformative effect on your DNA. It has made you of a certain composition. What we are talking about is something chemical. By analogy we could say that whenever there has been a plague or an epidemic, some number of people seem to be and have proven to be... immune. It's like that.

A lot of the really unfortunate effects of Materialism have been directed at lowering the resistance of the population to all kinds of opportunistic and invasive aggressors. This is why some people get that tick disease or Epson Barr. This is why so many people are moving about in an ever more increasingly weakened state and others are not. It's a kind of Darwinism. Who is behind it; way behind it, well... I wouldn't hazard a guess because, from my viewpoint everything is either allowed or initiated by the same force. That's just me though.

There are some number of distinctions when it comes to doing wrong. There is the one where you are doing wrong and don't realize it and there is the one where you are doing wrong and you know damn well that you are and don't care. There is the wrong of expediency and the wrong of inclination. There are wrongs that come out of confusion and panic and the wrongs that can't be avoided because you have got to HAVE or DO what you have just got to have or do.

I can only speak for myself. I can only act with confidence in regard to what I confidently know. Sometimes what I confidently know is only something I suspect is so to a far, far greater extent than any contrasting argument to the contrary. One might say I have had some extraordinary runs of bad luck and have put myself in some unfortunate circumstances, through zeal, pig-headedness or a certitude that comes out of The Cloud of Unknowing. Sometimes easy street leads to a bad end and sometimes rough highway will eventually turn into green pastures. Sometimes I am standing in a boat and before me I see dark skies and tempestuous waters but I know, or I sense, or I believe... that still waters wait beyond and I know, or sense, or believe that I am equal to whatever I encounter. We've all got to make up our minds, chart our courses or follow courses that we have the faith of decision to accommodate ourselves to.

How do we come to make the judgments that we make? It is based on many things; learned experience, native intelligence, fortuitous karma and circumstance. I could go on adding to the list but you can probably intuit this on your own. Certainly Karma plays a larger part and for some that means desperation and doomed decision making, followed by inevitable result. What do you do? A sane mind would assess that you seek in every way to improve your Karma or make the right associations that might play some part in protecting or guiding you.

I can look at the world, for the most part and see where any number of roads are going to lead and that is precisely why I am not on those roads. Still... I am limited in my comprehensive awareness and prone to error. I can only hope I tumble to the error of my ways with all possible expedience. That is my intention. I see that this is not a common course. Desire and all of its handmaidens; sirens... if you wish, are dangerous voices to be plucking out of the wind. What's playing on your Walkman? Who are you listening to?

There are a lot of voices on the wind these days. There are powerful transmitting towers that spread their malice and misdirection over a wide reach. What to do... what to do. Time will tell and we shall see.

End Transmission.......

Visible and The Critical List:
La Vierge Sperme Danceur by Les Visible and The Critical List♫ Camouflage ♫
'Camouflage' is track no. 8 of 8 on Visible and The Critical List's 1987 album
'La Vierge Sperme Danceur'

About this song (pops up)

La Vierge Sperme Danceur by Les Visible and The Critical List

A Novel by Visible,
The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine

- 'A Tale of the Unnatural and Supernatural...'

'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine' by Les Visible' now available to buy at Amazon.

Paperback: $27.00
'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine' by Les Visible
Kindle Edition: $9.99
'The Curious Tale of Ash and The Whine' by Les Visible

More of Visible's books and songs are available through his Store.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Significant Difficulty of Clear Thinking in Dark Time Zones.sss

Visible Origami

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

May your noses always be cold and wet.

The world is a projection of the mind. It is an individual projection and it is a collective projection. One could say that the collective projection 'generally' has more power and potency of impact than the individual. This is not always the case. One could also say that the collective is generated and controlled by much smaller collectives of individuals with a shared agenda. Because this is the Kali Yuga, generally those agendas are of a negative and mercantile nature. It is what you see around you. It is what you pass through. It sets the tone for the day to day of existence. It sets the stage. It arranges the playing field upon which the desires and ambitions of the many and the few are carried out; to their success and to their failure. Ultimately, very little of anything that takes place here has any lasting meaning. In the short term there are so many things that so many people cannot bear to live without and which they will pursue in opposition to all common sense. A truly unfortunate amount of these objects and goals pursued by the many are dangerous and often fatal. It might not appear so in the short term but it proves to be so in the long term.

Many a teacher of humanity; many a philosopher, mystic and artist (moved by authentic inspiration) have told us not to move with the crowd, not to be subsumed in the masses. This is a difficult age in which to live apart. We are running short on spaces for apartness. However, it is in the mind where everything real, relevant and effective takes place; no peace or security in the mind... no peace in the life. One might say... “Well there are many very successful and prosperous folk who have no inner peace but... they have everything else and they are certainly in a position to have some sense of apartness and they certainly possess or can afford security.” It is one thing to have the trappings or capacity for something and quite another thing to actually possess it.

Our sense of time messes with our sense of reality. Most of us have a very narrow view of time and are often unaware of the ravages of its passing until they are fully upon us. Where did the time go? It seems like yesterday I was frolicking in that playground over there and now I am sitting on this bench, wondering just what was that which passed in the interim. The world is set up in such a way to distract us from paying too close an attention to what it does to us. It needs us in the game and on the game, otherwise the interests of the world suffer and commerce loses its edge over the consciousness of the collective. The eye of the world, as it rotates through the media, which informs us about the things it shows to us, keeps its cameras off of places like Detroit. Whoever controls a significant portion of the human mind, controls the world... or appears to.

Any observant person who is inclined to put their attention on present conditions and who has some awareness of history, will note that those who control the portals of information are the same people responsible for nearly every reprehensible crime of any magnitude over recent centuries. Though it, no doubt, reaches further back than that, let us look at the Battle of Waterloo as being an important watermark for the predator, alien minds that torment and manipulate humanity. It was out of this event that one of the most powerful banking families/houses came into a truly impressive, behind the scenes, control of human affairs. It is they and similar consortiums that financed or owned the slave ships that brought the Africans to both the new and old world for the purpose of creating their paper tiger empires. One might say they truly were and are to be feared but... not by anyone who knows where the real power lies. One might also add that real power never lies. It doesn't have to. False power is built on lies and enforcement of them and they have their relative influence upon the minds of everyone who believes in the power of appearances, which is their greatest weapon for the control of human consciousness.

It is these banking families and tiny collectives of mercenary beings who are behind nearly every conflict on Earth. Their greatest defense for their continuance is to paint themselves as victims of history, when their own victims outnumber them a million to one. They control those portions of history that are selectively written. They control what books are published and what the books contain. They control the curriculum of the educational systems. They control the news and whatever art is permitted to be displayed or performed. They are near exclusively Satanists and that is why illiterate zombies like Kanye West are celebrated and enjoy such a wide proliferation of their incredibly mediocre efforts. They are the force that causes catamite redundancy clowns like Beck to proclaim that uninspired pornographers like West are geniuses. This allows for the airways of the world to be polluted by the banal and profane efforts of people like Nikki Minaj and Lil' Wayne.

A large body of the collective Zombie Mind would take serious exception to my saying these things. Considering the source, it can be presumed without exception that what I say is, in fact, true. If you want to control and manipulate the population you must dumb it down. That is accomplished with no real difficulty. One simply controls what they are exposed to and one simply declares that what they see and touch and hear is GOOD. The horrific and absolutely terminal state of the masses is made more enduring and certain by bad diet. Bad diet reinforces the impact of bad information. You are what you eat in every sense and at every level. The higher possibilities of human thought and expression are frowned upon. Cultural Marxism, manifesting as Political Correctness, celebrates mediocrity. The works of the great minds of the past are denigrated as the expressions of former cultures where parity was not permitted. They are referred to as Dead White Men. Truth does not have a color preference and for that matter, the origin of everything of any value, that was written by any of these people, came out of the Indus Valley and that was not populated by white men. That came out of other civilizations which at the time were accessible to them. These records have now, for the most part, passed out of human ken and reckoning.

The bad actors, such as they exist today, have been around, in one form or another for a long time. They are genetically disposed to the way they behave. If we were able to travel in time, back to their point of origins, we would find that the human race of today came here in parts from different sources. They were created by different means and methods but all for the same purpose; the purpose of demonstration. Life is a movie, or... perhaps more accurately, a dream. We can find the verity of this in the works of Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell and many another deep thinker from Plato to Blake. Occasionally... one of us awakens out of the dream and... for the most part, says the same things as all of the others in a different way. Some of these souls are more awakened than others and for that reason and for other reasons, have had a greater impact over a wider stretch of time.

Whatever level you integrate at or awaken into, you are subject to the laws of that plane of being and understanding. The rules and rites of passage in the ghetto are not dissimilar to the conditions of the world of the financiers and privileged. Certain actions and behaviors can be just as fatal in either place.

A powerful industrialist dies and awakens in the galley of a slave ship. A queen of the realm dies and wakes up a crack whore in South Side Chicago. A monster of bad medicine dies and wakes up with no arms and legs in Calcutta. Cosmic justice is precise. What we are presently experiencing is the outworking of karmas across the wide range of many ages. Because we are at the conclusion and beginning of a grand cycle of 12 ages, we are seeing this mass of population here for the dramatic denouement of karmas acting out and being resolved individually and collectively. It could be, since it is all wheels within wheels that this is also the ending and beginning of an even greater cycle and that can be made evident by where our solar system is in its orbit through the galaxy. Right at and through the center? Or wherever and whatever. The complexity of it all is beyond the reach of any human mind but... one can get an idea, one can get an idea... or a clue.

Life is a movie, or a dream if you prefer. We all have our roles and we have the role we have based on our predispositions formed in the passages of our past. You can change the role you play. Most people are not so inclined. This is known as denial. Denial comes about when what one wants and what one believes goes contrary to the natural order of things. One suspends ones openness to what is, in favor of what one wants. One organizes and adjust their world view in defense of how they want things to be as opposed to how things really are. Very, very few of us know how things really are, or are so disposed to seek out the truth of things.

I am always recommending things, like the works of Patanjali or The Bhagavad-Gita. I could recommend many another book across a wide spectrum between The Kybalion to Brave New World. Most of you are familiar with all of these but it isn't what you read that makes a wit of difference. It is how you take it and what form of action it inspires in you. Even the mostly committed have their areas of denial. We all want our comfort zone, no matter how narrow the parameters of that might be. We want what we want until we don't want it and most of the time that turns out to be shortly after we get it. Life is designed for just this experience. After awhile you realize there isn't very much here that you want. You only thought you wanted it until you got it and it proved to be something other than you thought it was. Ultimately one gets an idea... one gets a clue.

End Transmission.......

This weeks radio broadcast (such as it is) is now streamable.

Visible sings:
Color Ball by Les Visible♫ Without a Clue (unplugged) ♫
A studio version of 'Without a Clue' is track no. 11 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Color Ball'

Color Ball by Les Visible

Visible's Self-Improvement Guide,
Spiritual Survival in a Temporal World

- 'An Exploration Toward the Ineffable'

'Spiritual Survival' by Les Visible now available to buy at Amazon.

Paperback: $25.00
'Spiritual Survival' by Les Visible
Kindle Edition: $9.99
'Spiritual Survival' by Les Visible

More of Visible's books and songs are available through his Store.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Feckless Whores from Bent Nose County and the Angel of Dread.sss

Reflections in a Petri Dish

The Feckless Whores from Bent Nose County and the Angel of Dread.

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

The world would be a better place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.

One can only attempt to intuit what it means but all of a sudden, major politicians; by definition, political whores, are coming out to say that vaccines are good for you. In some cases like the thoroughly corrupt and sold out Rand Paul, they are coming out and saying they didn't say what they probably did say, which is consistent with political whores. The media is reporting on this but... what they are not reporting on and... which I think explains why this particular hoopla is hooping is that the public must be raising all kinds of opposition to this vile chemical offense against humanity and especially the young.

Speaking of politicians and those who operate them like remote control vehicles, here is a little anecdote about politicians and their place in the evolutionary scheme. Of course, you and I already know about this personality thing because we see them in action as they are, not as they attempt to present themselves. Speaking of cockroaches, let it never be said that they don't know how to look out for themselves. Even when they are working as spies in other countries and getting caught at it, it just seems to turn out okay for them. It's good to see that those presently moving toward the kind of destruction that is the final destiny of Evilstill have the appearance of total control over the global victimhood industry and the good will of bankers and nations in servitude to international bankers. What do we do? We don't do nothing except identify and acknowledge. The work of bringing down a herd of velociraptors is something that gets handled by the emergent archetypes of the new world coming.

Here in Hawaii there is now a cockroach problem that wasn't going on, at least as visibly as it is now, when I used to be in these islands oh... what feels like another lifetime ago. Prominent B-52 members of this demographic are heavy duty inserted into the political climate here and all kinds of hijinks are going on in pursuit of the control of, well... various things but I don't have to get into that.

There's some kind of a law; some kind of cosmic law that has to do with the more certain people push themselves in front of the action and the more they gobble and grasp and make all kinds of annoying noises, the closer they are getting to Doom City. Anyone who has real power doesn't need to be gunning for first place in the Drama Queen Awards. Those who possess true power know what a fatal mistake it is to flounce about on life's stage, pimping their importance, which is something that is all front and no behind... a mile wide and an inch deep.

Let's not leave the vaccine consideration just yet. The Obama administration PURPOSELY opened the US border to thousands of people infected with various diseases and they intentionally focused on the 'importation' of children in order to spread childhood diseases throughout mainland US. For all we know they infected these children with these diseases in the first place. They would have had no moral limiters that would keep them from it. They are completely under the influence of alien intelligences, whether that be purely Satanic or Bad ET. The two are interchangeable AND speaking of which, now they are saying there are all kinds of strange microbes running around the New York subway.

Joe Biden says that Russia cannot be allowed to redraw the borders of Europe. Looks like this fatuous and sold out whore, who gets pimped around the campus by Bankers, is doing what whores are expected to do. Well... just about ALL of them are whores aren't they? Yes... sad as the truth may be it is the truth. They are, for the most part, soulless husks of former humanity. Once they were children (maybe). Once they were altruistic teens, dreaming about some vocation; double maybe on the altruistic thing but... some of them must have been. Then... something happened. It happened in a hotel room somewhere. Something happened in Tel Aviv for sure in some of those cases. They call it a 'honey pot' I believe and we got Unzippit Livni on record about that sort of thing. Yeah...Bent Nose Livni is right out of Bent Nose County, along with all the rest of the trough guzzlers engaged in that exercise that Delmore Schwartz called, “the scrimmage of appetite everywhere'.

I've had a life that defies someone like me being a consistent optimist, which I am. There is reason for it though. I do not measure my life by external circumstance or things that happened on the way. I don't qualify the ignorance of early years with the lessons gained, except to say that was then and this is now and whatever the difference is... that tells the tale and that is where I am personally AND... that is where all of us are. We need only look at the two states in every case, concerning any of us. Some of us do and some of us don't and that is probably directly relevant to where we are at the moment; isn't it?

Certainly these... these whores are unlikely to engage in that kind of introspection though... introspection will come to them, unbidden, in the early hours of the morning, accompanied by the Angel of Dread. You can count on that.

Optimism... let's stay with that. I know it is hard for many of us. I hear about it, not infrequently. Why is this? It's because of 'appearances'. What is one of the most powerful generators of appearances? The media and the media is everywhere these days because this is the information age. This is also The Kali Yuga and as a result it is, The Age of Lies. The more the appearance of power in the hands of those deluded enough to believe they possess it, the greater their seeming sway over the minds of those under the spell of Materialism. If you are not under this spell but you are aware of the ubiquity of it, it can be hard to be an optimist. One becomes an optimist when they are aware of something that resides BEYOND the reach of appearances. That's my recommendation. What else have you got?

I've said it a great many times, it's not winning or losing. It's the role you play and how you play it. Think of the movies. How many movies have you seen where the actor loses out in some way or even gets killed but you know you would have been that person AND sometimes, it works out in some magical and unexpected manner, when it seemed the odds were all against it. In fact, this sort of thing happens not infrequently, in movies and in life. Bottom line is that most anything comes down to what you believe in. You'd have no motivation otherwise. It's true people do things they don't believe in and people do things they later come to rue for the rest of their life. Much of this comes through weakness, confusion and a lack of substance. It is easy to lack substance in a superficial age and as far as weakness and confusion go... would they not also be emblematic of these times. One thing that hasn't been mentioned yet is FEAR and that accounts for a lot of what should not be and it certainly accounts for the behavior of whores, that... and the promise of gain. Is this the movie you want to star in? Who's your director (grin)?

Take a good long 'objective' look at it all. Is it confusing? Why would that be? It means you are caught between competing currents. It can mean riptides and undertows and that is always something beneath the surface and that definitely affects the impact of the power of appearances upon you. As long as there are so many possibilities in what you might do and where you might go, you are dealing with variables of potential but what if there were no variables? What if you had some kind of estate planner who manages your affairs? Whores do. Even bankers do. I don't care how free and independent you think you are, someone is making decisions. You might think it is you but the one thing not mentioned when we bring up weakness and confusion, superficiality and FEAR is;'the mind'. That's where it all takes place. It takes place in the mind. Who is in charge of that? Isn't the mind like a large body of water? It has all kinds of things moving on the surface and even above the surface. There goes a seagull. It also has a great deal going on beneath the surface. One might say that most of it is going on beneath the surface and one could also say that there is so much beneath the surface that most people never encounter or are made aware of more than a tiny fraction of what lies below. If you are a fisherman, there are all kinds of technologies and approaches that allow you to draw up creatures and things that live in the depths. If we are talking about the mind, the same thing applies.

Turn on your TV and you will see an endless procession of whores who perform for money. They repeat what they are told to repeat. They act according to a script given to them. They do and say all kinds of things that in some cases would embarrass a monkey but they do it. They do it for fame and gain and the promise of some kind of security, or out of FEAR. Is there a security against FEAR? There is no security in these things that provides a panic room when you need it; not against so many of the things that can and do come up eventually. Who's your director?

End Transmission.......

Sunday's radio broadcast is now up.

Visible sings: Color Ball by Les Visible♫ It Must Be Love ♫
'It Must Be Love' is track no. 8 of 12 on Visible's 2007 album 'Color Ball'

Color Ball by Les Visible

Visible's Macabre Thriller,
The Darkening Splendor of an Unknown World

- 'A Tale of Occult, Mystery and the Supernatural...'

'The Darkening Splendor' by Les Visible available through Amazon.

Kindle Edition: $9.99
'The Darkening Splendor' by Les Visible

More of Visible's books and songs are available through his Store.

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